Renee mesich
of Energy Junctions
tarot, oracle & mediumship
My name is Renee (She/Her) and I’m an Intuitive Medium, Tarot + Oracle Reader & Energy Healer! My purpose on this planet, is to provide others with insight, healing & the confidence to move forward on their own personal path. I provide a non-judgmental safe space for others to emote and get through difficulties together and be able to leave with a laugh & smile on their face.
I have been reading Tarot for 20 years and have developed my own way of reading, which has a beautiful way of representing you and the energy you embody. No two readings will have the same exact spread, because we are all unique and carry our own vibration and things to work through. Channeled messages may come through during a reading from loved ones who have passed onto the spirit realm.
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My History
My name is Renee, I’ve been reading tarot for more than half my life, now nearing 2/3s. My first time was in 6th grade and fell in love with it right away, but didn’t think tarot reading would be a possible job at the time.
I went to nursing school when I turned 18, graduated as an RN, but didn’t like the energy in those work settings. Gained a ton of knowledge & took that with me, but decided to work as a teacher with infants and young toddlers, after having my own baby. This taught me a lot about childhood development & how it can affects adulthood.
Fast forward to 2023—I finally believed in myself enough to read tarot for more than just friends and family; I stepped into my full passion & power of being an energy healer. Throughout my life I have always been able to feel the “unseen” energies and after working each of these other jobs—I came to believe in myself, my abilities to read energy and help others (without having to treat them like numbers, as some other jobs try to make you).
Since doing energy work with the public, I have assisted hundreds of individuals on their journey. I’m thankful to hear things like, “Wow! 10/10 reading-Spot on!” often; which brings repeat customers, referrals from past clients, and word of mouth. Many have come back sharing their success stories of what’s happened since our reading from the changes they have implemented, or steps they’ve taken.
My System
I am an intuitive, so I read the energy the cards are giving me-related to what else it’s around/whatever other “downloads” I get in the moment. Channeled information comes through randomly for people, when it is needed. I have had passed loved ones come through several times & say specific things for the client. I do not like to tell them what to/not to do, rather display the information/paths available & let them know that they can kinda “choose” which path they decide to go down/how to veer themselves back onto path if they “fall” off of it. Help them recognize when they should come back in for a reading to recheck where they’re at, etc.
I also use oracle decks for every reading, to help give a “complete” picture, add in extra info, or get clarification.
My Philosophy
My hope for my clients is to help them gain clarity on their situation, bring confidence and encouragement to take the next steps for themselves-in a positive direction, whatever that is for them (This includes facing trials and tribulations in front of us, to propel forward, where we are meant to go). I bring validity to their existence, their experiences, show them where they shine, where they may be in the dark and how to climb out of it themselves, without depending on external factors. Many past clients have been able to figure out what their passion is and move forward with it, they’ve left jobs that were eating them alive & have since found other jobs that fit them “perfectly”, help them shine and see what is possible for them 💕✨
My Promise
I I promise to give my clients non-judgement readings of their energy, energies around them, any obstacles that may be in the way & a pathway through them. Acknowledging the difficulties present, but the pathways that are available (positive & negative). I cannot promise them the positive outcome if they are not willing to put the work in themselves, for themselves—but I show them what is available, how to get there & when to come back and check-in, if they feel like they’re getting off kilter.