Hello! I'm Nerys (they/them, ze/zir). I approach each reading individually, with none that I do ever looking the same. Every reading forms a web of interconnected ideas, choices, events, and people in our lives. Together we'll find not just the answers that you are looking for, but also a bigger picture that looks behind the answers and looks to the future with insight. It's not just enough to ask a question and then receive knowledge. After all -- I'm going to be cheesy and say it -- knowing is half the battle. Where are you going to go next? Let's find out together.

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My History

Hello, I'm Nerys! (They/them, ze/zir pronouns) I have been reading cards for other people since 2013, though I have added in more and more card divination styles throughout the years. I have been a medium for as much of my life as I can remember, with it being a trait that came naturally to me and required practice in shielding as a teen and young adult. Since about 2017, I've been practicing mediumship through deliberately connecting to a specific spirit, rather than letting the spirit choose me, and maintaining my shields and guards while being able to communicate. Sometimes I use divination tools during mediumship, and sometimes I do not, as is determined by my connection to the spirit. Both divination and mediumship are ongoing lifelong skills to hone and practice, and I work outside of work to continue to master these skills, to share with others.

My System

For tarot and oracle readings, I begin with a starting card or amount of cards as intuitively determined regarding your topic, if you even want to give me a topic. You don't need to give me one, I can simply read your cards without you giving me any information. I may use tarot and oracle together. I may use Lenormand cards, another form of card divination that can you use multiple cards together to form combined meanings and get rather precise in their descriptions. However, these cards will often form different topics or thoughts on the table, which end up being connected in a web by the ideas, causes, people, actions, etc that bind them together in your life or in the topic we are reading about. The spread looks at root causes, current issues, but also where to go in the future, because I never want you stepping away from my table with a question mark about where to go from here. I always want you to have at least one step that you can do when you leave.

My system for mediumship depends very greatly on who you want to talk to, and what you want to talk about. As mentioned in my history, I may or may not use divination tools, and if I do use divination tools, it might be anything from a crystal ball to a deck of cards to a pendulum to a black mirror, or a combination of those. But the mediumship experience would be tailored exclusively around what you hope to get out of it. And just like with my card readings, you also would be stepping away from the table with something that you can go and do afterwards, some kind of plan or some kind of action in mind to do that you could walk away from this experience with.

My Readings

I have ready in my reader room a small pile of decks that are ready to go, some that are tarot, some that are oracle, some that are other forms of card divination. Out of these decks, once you step in, I read your energy and I pick the deck or decks that match your energy. From there, I will ask you if you have a topic or question in mind, and if you do we will start there, and if you do not, then we will see what the deck has to say. From there, it's the deck's turn to speak, and I don't plan a spread for you because I don't know what the cards will turn up and say before I flip them over. Once the cards are flipped over, I investigate using more cards to see why that issue was brought up, why that person might be connected, why that root cause got snagged in your history here, etc, these are all just hypotheticals. It becomes investigative. It does not become prescriptive. Once we know the bigger picture of what's going on, then we investigate where you are likely to go from here, and if we don't like that picture of where you're likely to go, we look into what you can do instead and then what that next possible outcome might be. We look at possible actions and choices you can make and where they could lead. The idea is to put the power in your hands, not to have me tell you that you must take a certain path, but to have you look at certain possibilities and outcomes, and be the one to make the choice yourself.

My Philosophy

I believe in honoring the autonomy of the client and also assuming inherent goodness in the client at all times. My philosophy is to give you the most thorough, in depth within the amount of time possible, high quality, accurate as to the meanings and also the context of the reading and the context of the other cards, and empowering reading possible. My philosophy is to have you walk out of my reader room feeling like you are confident to move forward in your life and have the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding to be able to direct your life in the way that you want. My philosophy is that you will be the one deciding what is right for you. And last but not least, my philosophy is that I will be honest to you about what the cards say, even if it is not good news. I have a duty to the truth, and I will tell you what the truth is even if it is not something that we would necessarily like to hear. You need to be well informed in order to make good decisions, and there is often a lot of reads where it is all good news all the time. But there is often sometimes or that is not the case as well, and I will be honest with you that I am not here to make people feel happy. I am here to make people feel empowered. There is a difference.

My Promise

I can promise to listen to you thoroughly, make an experience that is customized entirely around your needs, and give you the most honest and thorough answers I can within the allotted time. I cannot promise that, in a given time, we will hit every possible angle of every situation or meet every single question. I cannot promise absolute certainties about the future, either. As Yoda said, "always in motion, the future is." However, we can look at possible and even probable outcomes together.